Friday, September 14, 2012

another reason people love ELMM

...Not only is it SIMPLE and intuitive, ELMM provides self-aggrandizement to those who flock to its banners.

I was just reading Dr. Sharma's post for today, and it hit me:  it's all about oneupsmanship!  ***I*** am not overweight and you are, therefore ***I*** am a better person because ***I*** control my appetite and have the WILLPOWER to get off my butt and EXERCISE!

Now, THIS is not an original idea, but rather sad; an awful lot of people have been so misled by modern entertainment and pop-psychology that they feel they have to be special somehow, and the best way to do that is to make somebody else "lesser."  It's finally considered uncivilized to do this in an across-the-board fashion with race, "handicap" and gender, but those with a high-school-level brain (whether or not they have their PhDs) still bolster their self-importance by means of artificial logical arguments ... like ELMM.

(So how do i explain those who insist on the relevance of ELMM, but are still overweight?  Hmmmm....)



  1. they're wallowing in it, you think? as my demons come in other disguises, so i don't understand it well....

  2. Nobody yet knows what drives us to eat too much. I say I have a compulsive urge that points to food. Now we need to evolve to control that urge in this time of too much junk foods. That is out of Sharma scope of practice. Calories are just the accounting and sloppy accounting at that. ELMM is just like saying to make money on the stock market, buy at the lows and sell at the highs.

    1. Fred, i get the impression that you must be one of the "outliers" like Wooo (in a different sense), because the ketotic appetite suppression doesn't seem to help you much. any viable theory of obesity has GOT to have provisions for EVERYBODY....

      yeah, Sharma isn't much help to most of us, but i read him occasionally when his post titles sound interesting. :-)

  3. My opinion on fat people who believe in ELMM is that they feel they don't have enough will power. It is easy to fall into this mindset, because for many, going on calorie reduction plans turns us into lazy slugs who don't want to get out of bed. The feeling is, "if I can just get my butt out the door for a jog...." Most people do really believe in CICO thermodynamics and really don't know how much a self-adjusting open system we have.

    1. :-) once the old CICO principle has been attempted a few dozen times and consistently FAILS, i don't know how anybody over the age of 40 can believe it anymore! somehow or other, this stupid idea needs to DIE so that the young have a fighting chance of succeeding ... IMHO!

  4. ELMM SHOULD not work if biology was any good at surviving. Starvation should not significantly compromise your ability to catch your next meal otherwise this would lead to a positive reinforcement loop whereby small calorie deficits quickly lead to large calorie deficits and accelerate you towards 0% bodyfat and death.

    1. from an evolutionary point of view, i think what you just said is unassailable! now ... to convince the idiots who have the power to change public understanding! ;-) that's why i wish NuSI more luck than it's likely to have....
