Tuesday, August 7, 2012

keep the mouth CLOSED

...As i said in yesterday's post, but not in the way i implied.

We went out to lunch -- dangerous.  I misbehaved, and this morning i'm hungry.  It's AMAZING how an unusual amount of carbohydrate can screw things up, isn't it?  I was sleepy in the afternoon in the most atypical way (though i concede i also got minimal sleep the night before last), and even though i ate a "controlled" supper, it was higher in carbs than usual, because i made "paleo biscuits" to go with the scallops in sherry-cream sauce.  I got to bed at a good hour, but woke really early, COLD.

Last time this happened, i had eaten rice in an ordinary-serving quantity; yesterday, it was corn.  It is ABSOLUTELY DOUBTLESS that even these non-gluten grains have an impact on thyroid function.  And when i say "function" i'm not talking about a set of nice abstract lab values, but on what the hormone should be accomplishing in the body, and significantly failing to do right.  In the case of the (white) rice, you can't even blame autoimmunity as you theoretically can with the corn -- the former is not much more than "sugar molecules holding hands."

:-)  I wish Mario were a reader -- he's probably written all about this already.

Today, i'll be good:  we're going to Billie's for one of those fabulous omelettes, and tonight it'll be spareribs and low-carb coleslaw.  Mmmmmm....


  1. Ok confession time: been out to eat twice this week and had, *gulp* VEGGIES ! I feel conflicted. Bad i ate what for me is a forbidden food, but also delighted I didint go face first in the bread, or dessert tray. Get back on track Tess!

  2. i've started well. :-) i don't feel bad about just staying steady this week; my body seems to like stabilizing for a little before making the next big push.

  3. Do you think it's possible the high carb intake is using your thyroid medicine faster, leading to hypothyroid symptoms due to a need for increased medication?

    As a euthyroid person not dependent on meds, when I gain body fat, I am always much warmer.

  4. well, THERE'S an interesting thought.... how do you think the mechanism might work?

    1. Perhaps need for thyroid hormone is lower on a ketogenic diet, therefore the same dose of medication will produce hypothyroid symptoms when a large amount of food or carbohydrate is consumed, which would otherwise be sufficient if the diet was low in calorie and carb.

      Sort of how type 1 diabetics are euglycemic with basal insulin alone on a ketogenic diet, but will become hyperglycemic unless they add in fast acting insulin when they eat carbs. The carbs aren't causing their diabetes, just increasing their need for medication.

      Or, an addisons patient may be free of symptoms on his regular dose of dexamethasone but then he has surgery or undergoes an illness and will require a higher dose of cortisol due to the increased use in surgery and iilness. Surgery and illness can lead to addisonian crisis in this patient as need for cortisol increases.

      Since your thyroid doesn't make thyroid hormone it may be a case that your medication needs increase when eating lots of calories or carbohydrates, whereas I a euthyroid fatass just becomes warm and hypermetabolic w/o hitch when I eat a ton of food.
