Friday, January 13, 2012

friday the 13th

EEEK!  the dog woke me before 6:00 with an eerie howl in his sleep, and when i stepped on the bathroom scale, i was a pound up from Wednesday (i KNEW there was some inflammatory action going on after that dance class, which equals water weight gain, in me).  I guess the best thing to do would be to huddle in bed, buried under the covers, till it's over....

But that ain't gonna happen.  When i finish my coffee-drinking, i'm going upstairs to do those tabata sprints i promised myself yesterday, on the stationary bicycle (easier on the once-injured knee).  Then i'll go downstairs and defrost and start cooking for the weekend -- oh, and update the honey-do list, because my husband will be back from his business trip this afternoon.  He's always happier when he feels needed and has lots to keep him busy.

Tonight i think it'll be the chicken breasts with mushroom sauce and creamed spinach, which he flagged in my "Paleo Comfort Foods" cookbook (by the Mayfields -- i LOVE it).  Tomorrow, boeuf bourguignonne with steamed potatoes; last night i decided i probably wouldn't have the same problem i had with the chilis, even though they're both nightshades.  I will leave out the tomato paste, however -- maybe add a little tamarind paste instead?  Hmmmm....

:-)  For the record, Friday the 13th has never meant a thing to me; just something to have fun with.  A lot of superstitions seem to have a basis in reality, and others are mere nonsense.  Not walking under ladders, for example, sounds like a very good idea, as well as not getting upset about breaking mirrors (they're cheaper than they used to be).  I do believe in astrology, though, when you get past simple sun-signs....

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