Thursday, October 11, 2012

"gateway drug ... to CARBS"

:-)  I changed the emphasis in this quote a bit, for dramatic effect.  Unless i'm much mistaken, it needs to be attributed to Dr. Mike Eades.  I made note of it when i first read the words, as important to the scheme of things in my life.

The gateway drug to carbs is ALCOHOL.

I'm not sure of what all the mechanism includes, but part of it is simple disinhibition.  The fact is so well-impressed upon my brain, it isn't easy to sneak up on me with forbidden temptations but i can rationalize to myself under the influence of a couple of glasses, and give myself permission to eat questionable things.  Sometimes -- not often, thank heavens -- the things are downright, unquestionably WRONG for me.

And THIS is the best reason to keep "bad" foods OUT of the house.  Who knows what dark mood, bad event, or simple "liquid overindulgence" might trigger a run for the cheetos?  If they ain't there, it's easier to avoid them.

Yesterday, the shipment from the Concannon wine club arrived, and i had to open a bottle to make sure it shipped all right.  ;-)  Two glasses in, a pizza sure would have tasted good, but i was too strong to be tempted to order one.  The stash of hotel popcorn that i'll be taking to Texas with me, later this month, was less resistable.  At least it had palm oil instead of hearthealthypolyunsaturates....


  1. It called "teh munchies" - also happen with weed, powder, speed & . . . & . . . .& . . .

    Will-power, Bill-power ?? Hmm . . .

    No!! Hill(ary)-power.


  2. ya know, you're the reason i went to google to hear how to pronounce "slainte".... :-)

  3. It Gaelic - means Health.

    Scots Gallic pronounces it as "slange".

    Irish Gaelic pronounces it as "slawn-che".

    Naturally, it arises as one partakes of "a drink".

    The English "Good Health" is "Slainte mhaith", shortened to "Health" or "Slainte". These days English usage is "Cheers".

    Health (Ha Ha)

    PS (One responder commenter one addressed me as @Slainte . . .
    What can one say ? Not a lot.)

    1. one of the best-loved characters i do in living history is Irish -- i HAVE to pronounce it THAT way! ;-) ...don't worry, i don't sound like the Lucky Charms leprechaun....

  4. True for me. I have a freind who is a size zero and she said she only drinks very little alcohol on special occasions or socially because she considers it empty calories and she loves to eat so she would rather use that 180 calories or so on real food. I was drinking 2 glasses of wine on the weekends. I stopped and have not seen much difference but the other night when I had wine again I noticed I talked myself into being okay if I had something more to eat before bed. I do not do that when I dont have wine. Clearly it is the alcohol talking even several hours after having wine and my normal dinner.

    1. :-) alcohol stays on board a long time, alas. i wish i didn't enjoy it, but some foods are just not the same without wine! also, i have to drink something with meals that won't screw up my stomach-acid too bad, and wine and coffee are the least disruptive.

  5. After I had thyroid disease ( early 30's). I could no longer process alcoho (I feel worse than depressed) l and had to give it up. I think it's a good thing-saved me lots of money and liquid calories.

  6. bummer! it's not the worst thing one could have to give up, though....

  7. This is why you should drink wine with dinner, not on its own. DH is a professional wine maker, and we have wine with dinner every night. It enhances the taste of the food, but doesn't cause me to overeat.

  8. sometimes in the afternoon, one just "needs" a glass of wine! :-) certainly, if one gets dinner started then pours a glass, the danger is much less than if the dishes planned are a "last minute" sort of affair -- the temptation to change meal plans isn't significant.

    how exciting it must be for you to open the first bottle of the season!
