Monday, June 30, 2014

insidious, sneaky triggers

Yesterday our first tomatoes became ripe enough to eat, so I made a more traditional LC dinner (not Strong Medicine) for us to enjoy.  Simplified Indian butter chicken and caprese salad, with a slice of flax bread to mop up the olive oil and sauce -- mmmmm....

In the late evening, I got the munchies.

Of course I didn't answer the siren's song "munchies" and "HUNGERRRR" are not synonymous in my world.  I just started reading something different, as the first thing obviously wasn't commanding my attention strongly enough.

But it just goes to show ya -- the foods we eat have effects on many more levels than nutritional satiety, satiation, protein-and-fat content (particularly significant to me), or belly-fullness.  The most significant "deviant" qualities of that meal over a steak-and-salad one was the carb content and the presence of dairy.  It was filling, it was delicious, it had a comparable P&F content, but in the old days I might have been seduced into having a little snack before bed.

I didn't think to check my ketones, either last night or this morning -- I rarely do anymore.  But in the absence of being able to measure insulin at home, it seems to be agreed that ketone presence is a negative indicator for insulin level too much of the latter and you can be assured you won't see pink on that pee-strip.

We have six tomato plants this year, in pots on the balcony, since we anticipate a torn-up back yard because of our upcoming construction.  And they're LOADED with green fruit!!!  I've NEVER gotten a very big tomato-harvest before, and in this place the squirrels have always gotten the lion's share of what there was -- it's ironic that the pots are making so much difference.  But even if the squirrels or birds find them and steal some, I anticipate getting quite a few.  And I won't hesitate to eat the little suckers myself, just because they have seductive properties.

But "forewarned is forearmed."  

[Ahhhh....  Fresh pico de gallo (I'm growing jalapenos, too) to go with my daughter's recipe for ceviche!  Fried green tomatoes as a base for eggs benedict!  Gazpacho!  BLTs and club sandwiches!  Tomatoes stuffed with tuna salad!  ...I'm salivating already!]


  1. Tomatoe slices with garlic and herbs in a sauerkraut brine after one-two-three days in a fridge are super tasty, and it will keep the cruciferous veggies consumption down for you, but If you let it stay for too long, a mold accumulation is possible on the top.

  2. Tomatoes are my favorite fruit and as such I treat them that way. Eat them about once a week and usually with keep my blood glucose stable. I too, have a garden full of them. I give them away and feed them to others...hee hee.

    1. "a man's got to know his limitations," to quote a classic -- and it goes for us and our tolerances, too! i'll be interested in comparing glucose readings when my heritage Cherokee Purples reach the same point as my Romas and Early Girls....

  3. OK, I wasn't hungry--err, "munchie" until I read your post, darn you! Good heirloom tomatoes are slowly coming in this year.

    1. lol -- please forgive me! i guess i'd better not describe the round steak in the oven right now, wafting its rich, beefy scent of herbs, spices, onions and mushrooms....
