Saturday, March 1, 2014

T. Colin Campbell is a FUCKING LIAR

I can't believe that responsible individuals like Andreas Eenfeldt even mention assholes like Campbell, let alone print a big bright photograph worthy of the shiny pages of a BS magazine -- is he merely trying to get traffic and controversy on his blog?  That's the only reason I can possibly imagine....

The eponymous idiot has a book out claiming that the lack of grains in one's diet causes the BIG C!  OOOOH!  All those celiacs who pretend that wheat actually makes them SICK must be wrong!  Get thee to a granary -- GO!



  1. I don't understand your vitriol against Dr. Andreas. This is the 2nd time I've seen you do this to my knowledge. He may not be able to teach you anything but he's doing a lot of good with people who have never heard of LCHF and in Sweden. My idea why he put this piece up regarding Colon Campbell is to bring awareness as to what the opposition is up to and to view the comments, most of which are against him. The vegans do this all the time, trying to tear apart out icons. They solicit help from all the vegans around the world to shut down any low carb breakthroughs. Look what they did to Chris Masterjohn on that TV show recently.

    1. i don't have a problem with Dr. Eenfeldt, although i think he could write a lot more "meaty" information on his blog. it's TCC i'm disgusted with -- obviously i wasn't as clear as i thought i was.

  2. TCC vs EA, round 1. EA takes a wild swing.

    1. I see Campbell as a Keys wannabe. these egomaniacal crusaders don't care what kind of damage they do, as long as they get their names and pictures printed, and their pet fantasies popularized. since Denise Minger's resounding thrashing of him, i think it's a mistake to give the jerk too much attention that isn't just ridicule and contempt.

    2. Tess, all of us know the severe damage TCC is doing but the vegans worship the ground he walks on and keep spreading his holy name and gaining converts. I worked with 6 of them. So ignoring him won't help. We need to keep chipping away at his credibility as much as we can as a united front, relentlessly and constantly.

  3. Jeez this Campbell is shot away.

    I loved this comment

    “Assuming you were living in the wild with no flour or sugar. If you ate plant material above the ground to sustain your life, and say you needed 3000 kcals, how many pounds of plant food would you need?

    Ans: If you ate broccoli type vegetables, it would take 20 lbs to get 3000 kcals.”

    I haven’t checked it out, but not a million miles away I suspect.

    The Romans knew how to get the punters in and so does Andreas Eenfeldt and Tess, so do you with that thread title.

    Kind regards Eddie

    1. you're a role-model for taking down the BS-peddlers, Eddie! :-)

      I agree the treating them like reasonable human beings is useless! the have NO regard for veracity -- any lie they can spin, any FACT they can TWIST is fair game as far as they're concerned.

      I discovered this on facebook -- if they tell a lie, "out" them from the rooftops! scream "FUCKING LIAR" and you shock them into thinking twice about what they announce as "truth."

      playing nice around bullies gives them the idea you're weak -- hitting back lets them know you're onto their game.

  4. So, if I eat grains my CD will go away? No. That's what almost killed me ;)
    I have family members that still eat grains and they all now have auto-immune diseases.

    1. :-) I have no idea what Campbell's line on CD is ... not that I care. his message is fact-twisting and mendacious.

      I wish Mr FatHead would go after some more of the vegetarian idealogues, like he did "the guy from CSPI"

  5. Campbell was in the the news recently, and Eenfeldt's blog follows the news.

    Most people aren't educated about nutrition and wouldn't know what's wrong with Campbell's assertions. It's important to put some refutations out there FBO people trying to manage diabetes, inflammation, or GI problems by eating a bunch of vegetation.

    1. [shudder] one of the reasons I HATE watching/listening to "news"....

      I pass along an assortment of "beginning" and "intermediate-level" nutritional stuff up on facebook for those of my friends and relatives who might be led astray, but i'm more fond of posting Briffa's columns. he doesn't say anything that's very "out there" that would immediately cause him to be ignored as a quack, but he's definitely not wimpy about delivering the LC message. :-)

    2. NEWS = nothing educational or worth seeing.

    3. I specifically asked my mom to consider ALL nutritional advise which comes from news channels as the false one. It is usually the case. I told her very often the commercials for some foods are disguised as a health advice because people often tune out commercials but attentive to the issues of health, is it is the creative way for the food industry to reach the audience.
      I don't think it is the case with Dr.Campbell and vegans, it is more of a religious group finding their lieder who is being an egomaniac. The China Study is their bible. Forks and knives is the visual equivalent.
      I asked during some useless discussion why we all should take the diet traditions of people of China as the right ones and condemn the diet traditions of the people from the North Europe who eat a lot of high-fat dairy and fatty salted fish. My opponent went as far as comparing the tradition to eat animal product with the tradition to smoke. They are all brain-damaged idiots, the best we can do is to speak against their lies when it is socially appropriate and to make sure they don't influence our children and elder relatives.
