Tuesday, March 25, 2014

are we done now? GOOD

I don't get off through being a bitch online, but i learned long ago that dealing promptly with [ahem] PROBLEMS is better than letting them hang around....

On the other hand i feel awfully buoyant today, despite the early onset of allergy season.  Perhaps venting one's spleen occasionally is a "releasing" thing after all?  That was the original concept, though 20th-century psychology told us at one point rage was a self-perpetuating "activity."

So we progress!  Now that the after-affects of food-poisoning/gastritis are fading allergy season commences -- not even waiting for the snow to stop flying, here.  Seems like every place we move I pick up a new pollen-sensitivity:  oak in Texas, Bradford-pear in OK, sage in UT, and now elm.  Hi-de-ho, life goes on....

Busy time ahead!  I have a living-history event in TX, then a visit to my daughter.  Later!


  1. No tess you were not being a bitch at all! It's your blog after all, so rant away. I think we all need to release some pent up woo-fuelled rage from time to time ;)

    1. lol -- haven't heard that line in quite awhile -- I still like it! thanks, Almond!

  2. I think holding rage is unhealthy.

    1. thanks, Galina -- i'm not sure I released it in the BEST way, but it felt good at the time. ;-)

    2. I don't remember you being unreasonable lately. Really.
