Saturday, April 27, 2013

Bro decides to "help" again....

A lot of blogs written by women on the subject of food, fitness and weight loss are personal stories of success and/or frustration.  A lot of us have been thoroughly let down by conventional wisdom of the medical industry or dietary/fitness "authorities" -- we bust our asses to do things "right" with appalling results, till there comes a point that we either give up or go renegade and start creating our own sets of guidelines.

We now share so that we can give encouragement to others like us.  After all, we wish WE had learned from the experiences of other women in the same hormonal situations, especially before the day of the internet when such info was a lot harder to find.  We pour out our findings and discoveries, spending time and emotional energy on our blogs and THEN:

Joe Bro decides to step outside his weightlifting, carbstuffing, testosterone-boosting circle to tell us we're WRRRROOOONNNNGGGG.  Just check out his favorite bro-palace, run by some muscle-headed self-informed guru -- he'll straighten us out!

Are these guys the reincarnations of Galileo's opponents?  You'd think so, since THEIR paradigm is the center of their universe, and only THEIR experience could possibly be valid.  And they feel it their absolute DUTY to pop into certain forums -- like the bright pink one that inspired this rant -- and man-splain what's REEELY TROOO.

May all the gods bless the MAJORITY of the guys who visit me, and Wooo and Sid and EB and ... etc!  They manage to express their opinions -- even contrary opinions -- without coming across as self-important and dictatorial.  On the most sensitive subjects, they SOMEHOW manage to disagree with some of our views and yet not be perceived as a bunch of tactless ... (use your descriptor of choice).

So NO:  we're NOT going to read your entire archives, Joe.  Nor are we interested in reading your bro-guru's stuff.  We've heard this tripe over and over for the last forty years and we KNOW how unlikely it is to be of any practical value to us.  So please try really hard to repress your superior patriarchal attitudes on OUR sites, huh?  You can be as big a dick as you like on your own.


  1. Who are you talking about? It is comforting that we have Kindke and other normal guys on our side.

  2. exactly! :-) and Eddie, Peter, Bill, John, xxxxx, and numerous others as well. i was inspired to write this by some comments on Wooo's latest. it sometimes amazes me that some guys think its their prerogative to step into Wooo's parlor and try to set her straight....

    1. Thx! very happy to find a crowd where I'm considered "normal"

    2. Mind you, "normal" is Galina's word, but if I called y'all "superior" you might get a swelled head.... ;-)

  3. they are wankers at best full of shit as usuall.

    1. [aside: see, look at this guy! He looks like this and doesn't HAVE to dominate conversations....]


  4. Now I know exactly who you are talking about. In his case it is just an entertainment, I guess.

  5. First of all, guys know NOTHING about women who are 60 years and older, post menopausal and broken. NOTHING!!!!

    Except for Gary Taubes but I've got a crush on him so it's ok.

    1. LMAOROF!!! It's Stanton I have a crush on, though I feel like a cradle-robber. ;-)

    2. Hahahahahaha! I totally have a crush on Taubes and Stanton, both

    3. uh-oh -- Lifextension is gonna win both of 'em! ;-)


  6. Men who are very Macho are seldom Mucho Zsa Zsa Gabor

    Regards Eddie

    1. Did she really say that? What a gal! :-D

    2. I heard her say that on a chat show years ago and I thought it was a stunner.


  7. Tess, this is a FANTASTIC post!!!!
