Thursday, October 9, 2014

6 reasons for not including P. D. in my blog list

:-D  Actually, this goes for a lot of blogs.

But "P. D." seems to be a cooperative promoting certain speakers for get-togethers of health semi-professionals and other interested parties.  They seem to be supplementing their conventional incomes by whoring HIRING themselves out, and as a means of teasing their potential audiences, they post short, non-informative articles, letting everyone know how brilliant they are and how we can all benefit from it, if we'll only buy their books, or their programs, or travel to outer Mongolia to attend their next speaking gig....


Some bloggers share their hard-earned learning or experience altruistically -- others give us generalities and promise us more if only we'll join their following ... and fork over.  Nobody in the second category makes the cut on my blog list.  Some MAY have books to sell, though by-and-large they're books worth reading.  Some may have slightly inflated egos, but the quality of their thinking authorizes a certain amount of self-esteem.  ;-)

But for those who have puffed-up concepts of their own sagacity or authoritativeness (term chosen most deliberately) ... don't we have enough self-righteous idiots in the nutritional world trying to convince us that their pet hypotheses will make their fortunes transform the suffering masses?  I have my own faults, but encouraging asininity generally isn't one of them.


  1. Asininity: a word not used often enough. 😀

    1. thank you! :-D I try! (a lot of people consider me the most trying person they know.)

  2. The only PD that sprang to mind was Petro, which is obviously not who you mean. Help a brother out with a few hints?

    While I'm here, thanks for putting my nonsense on your list. Ranting into the internet is slightly more satisfying if a handful of people read it.

    Have a good one.

    1. Lauren got it! :-) not that I should tar all the PDs with the same brush -- a few of them write good stuff, but some of them are just horrible shills.

      one of the most astonishing aspects of blogging has been that so many people actually want to read my material! :-) but there's also the delightful community which has grown up among the blogs and readers -- I get a huge kick out of having internet-friends all over the world!

  3. I think she means Primal Docs...

    1. BINGO! give that fine lady her prize.... ;-)

  4. It's true "a few of them write good stuff," Just choose which articles etc to read and do further research if you want to,.

    All the best Jan

    1. oh, i do. :-) the frustration comes in (and inspired this post) when i click on something that sounds really interesting, and turns out to be only a "teaser post."
