Friday, August 1, 2014

isolate your variables

THIS is what's wrong with a lot of "scientific" studies.  This is the trouble with extrapolating from individual experience to universal applicability.  There's a lot more going on than the experimenter takes into account. 

THIS is why studies historically recruited healthy young men to determine baseline physiological response to drugs, diets, or anything else they wanted to test -- it may reveal SOME universally applicable information, but then again there are fewer variables confounding what is actually HAPPENING and YMMV.

THIS is why it's a mistake to start with the experiences of one (or several) ATYPICAL individuals and assume that what happens with them is representative of others.  Colpo is atypical.  Wooo is atypical.  _I_ am really atypical.  Whereas what we experience may apply to other people LIKE US, "normal" people don't have responses that are identical to somebody who doesn't spend his/her LIFE working out, or who isn't significantly weight-reduced and leptin-deficient, or who isn't nutrient-absorption-inept. 

I could go on and on.  People who are deficient in a particular vitamin or mineral will see huge improvement with supplementation, but the replete won't.  Some people convert beta-carotene to retinol a lot better than others.  I have a few one-size-fits-all dresses that actually DO look good on me, but the secret is that they're totally shapeless on their own, and MY shape makes up for the fact that i'm under-average in height.  Someone my height who is skinny would find the hemlines pudding on the floor.  A taller woman who has the same measurements would find them way too short.

No, there may be such a thing as "one size fits MOST," but "one size fits ALL" is obviously bullshit.


  1. Tess, you just put the golden standard of proof in internet discussions into questioning. Charles G. would be disappointed.
    I rely more and more on field observations and personal evidence while realizing how unscientific my approach is.
    I guess I can afford freedom to be myself. It is convenient to be a regular blog reader.

    1. the VERY BEST regimen for you is the one that YOU find effective. :-) nobody else can decide that FOR you.

  2. More info on colon cancer and LC, moment's pause for the mousies involved ...... Gut micro induce colon cancer, reduced dietary carbohydrates decreased polyp frequency and most interesting the carbohydrate metabolite butyrate induces colon cancer.

  3. I think a perfect example is carb re-loading, carb feed-up days and so on. It will work for bros but for me..gateway to regaining my fat. My other gripe is nuts, they are seen as a healthy food, eat more nuts and seeds, nuts invoke satiety, decrease BS, turn you into a superwoman and my internal hunger beast plays on it. "Go on have a few nuts, they're good for you Wooo eats them..yum..have some more hehehe" They've got to go in the cheese box for me - no brake food - along with fruits and greek yoghurt. Some of the healthy foods I have to limit. In some ways the Stephan boredom diet makes sense to someone like me. Thanks for reminding me that I got to make my own rules, not someone else's.

    1. you got it, girl! :-) ...i too find nuts non-satiating! they're an awfully convenient snack to carry with us when we're flying and whatnot, but as a real MEAL, they don't work for me. cheese and eggs also aren't as good FOR ME as for some people -- i need ruminant meat.
